"Holy, holy are you Lord God Almighty! Worthy is the Lamb! You are holy! You are holy!"
Most of the time, the music is background noise. Sometimes my subconscious pays enough attention to it to get it stuck in my head later. Most of the music I do not like, but can tolerate. Some I downright detest. But now and then, a song will resonate with what I have been thinking about, and I will stop right there and have a worship moment. (If there are no customers in the store) I'll dance, sing at the top of my lungs, raise my hands, and generally make a fool of myself for God to the amusement of my co-workers.
I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” ~Psalm 91:2
Bible verses are on everything. As if it can't be Christian without a Bible verse. Maybe we should tattoo them on our babies! Which, incedentially, we have books arguing both for and against Christians getting tattos. I get tired of seeing the same verses all the time, Rise up on wings like eagles, for I know the plans I have for you, and this is the day the Lord has made are the most popular (after that comes the serenity prayer [bleh!!!!!]). But once again, as with the music, God will sometimes bring a verse to my attention that is the very verse I needed at that moment.
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